Esplanade House

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The program at Esplanade House is designed specifically for homeless families with children. It began in an old motel on The Esplanade in 1991, and due to demand has since grown to 60 apartments and administrative buildings located off north Esplanade and East Shasta Avenue. This is a safe and sober campus the main goal of which is to successfully rehabilitate homeless families who reenter mainstream society with the skills to become self-sufficient, the confidence that comes with education and the determination to live a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their children.

The majority of parents in our program are recovering from a lifestyle of addiction which eventually led to a downward spiral into homelessness. Many had lost their children to a relative or foster care and were reunited because of the safe and supportive environment we provide.

When accepted, families are given everything they need to start over: a furnished apartment, food, clothes, supplies, a case manager and counselor. They are surrounded by other families who all have the same challenge and rules to follow, including curfews and housekeeping. We have a two phase program that on average can accommodate families from 18 – 24 months. In the first phase, families live in apartments on the east side and are fully engaged in our daily program. Most are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what is required to get their life back on track and need maximum support. In phase two, families move to apartments on the west side of our property for up to an additional year, and attend school or look for employment. This supportive housing offers participants the opportunity to “live what they have learned” in a situation that helps prevent relapse and keep friendships with other families who are also committed to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.

We are committed to breaking the generational cycle of addiction, welfare dependency, and poor education. We feel our program gives families the absolute best chance to succeed because of the structure, compassionate staff, and realistic time frame we have developed for success.


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